Setting Up Prerequisites

Unreal Engine

This may come as some surprise, but start by installing Unreal Engine (UE4). There are good instructions on how to do this here:

Visual Studio 2017

As of date of publication, Visual Studio (VS) 2017 is the latest version of VS, so you can pick this up here: When you do the install, make sure to go to the "Games" tab and install the C++ features available there (TODO go back and find the exact set of features that need to be selected to ensure everything will work during the monthly reset)

Docker Toolbox for Windows

We will use the Docker Toolbox to host our TICK stack. You may pick up the Docker Tools here: When installing, choose to install Kitematic. If you have HyperV enabled on your machine, you can use the HyperV implementation. If you don't have HyperV running (or have the Home version of Windows), then you're going to need Virtualbox.

Anaconda Python (Optional)

Python is arguably the best scripting language for analytical work right now. For heavy duty work, you'll probably want to look to C++ frameworks, but for this I will use Python. Python can be a bit of a pain to set up properly on Windows, but not anymore as of Anaconda Python. As of time of writing, you may install Anaconda V4.4.0 here: Any later version should work, and most earlier versions should be fine as long as it's not ancient.

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